Tip of the hat to the ACSBlog for this gem. Right wing legislators in Georgia and Texas are arguing that teaching evolution (as well as gravity, apparently) in public schools is unconstitutional because it is actually an ancient Kabbalistic conspiracy. The Kabbalah is a mystical Jewish tradition practiced by none other than Esther Ciccone! (Okay- that was mean...)
According to the memo (all italics and scare quotes in the original)-
All that can now be changed! Indisputable evidence--long hidden but now available to everyone--demonstrates conclusively that so-called "secular evolution science" is the Big-Bang 15-billion-year alternative "creation scenario" of the Pharisee Religion. This scenario is derived concept-for-concept from Rabbinic writings in the mystic "holy book" Kabbala dating back at least two millennia.
The memo goes on to conclude that the Kabbalistic evolution has a "very specific religious agenda,"making it unconstitutional to teach it in school.
Being the good liberal, constitutional lawyer that I am, I went to their source- the
indisputable evidence that
demonstrates conclusively their claims. The author cites as his source an organization called The Fair Education Foundation- on the web at
www.fixedearth.com (yes that does say fixed earth). The site (
) greets visitors with a bold pronunciation:
The non-moving Earth
& anti-evolution web page of
The Fair Education Foundation, Inc.
Exposing the False Science Idol of Evolutionism,
and Proving the Truthfulness of the Bible from Creation to Heaven...
- since 1973 -
Marshall Hall, Pres.
Read all about the Copernican and Darwinian Myths
(and their many ramifications going all the way to Kabbala-based Big Bangism!)
I am always amazed at how obvious fools manage to get taken seriously by people in places of power, but this is truly astounding. Elected officials in two sovereign states are making decisions based on the ramblings of a person who honestly and truly believes that the sun revolves around the Earth. I understand that ideas never truly die, they linger on in the
meme pool competing with better ideas until only a handful of wingnuts adhere to them. But for elected officials to use these ramblings to advance an agenda just makes me scratch my head and thank my lucky (and not orbiting the Earth) stars that I don't live in Georgia or Texas.